Advanced - Attributes
Analyser (Command Line Parameters)
Analyser (Program Roles)
Analysis Functions (Functions)
Attributes (Advanced)
Automatic Protocol Determination (Connections)


Built-In Layouts - General
Built-In Layouts - Hyper-V
Built-In Layouts - Overview


Chart (Elements)
Charts (Interactive Elements)
Collecting Data (Concepts)
Collector (Program Roles)
Collector (Unattended Installation)
Combination Operators (Operators)
Command Line Parameters - Analyser
Command Line Parameters - Configurator
Command Line Parameters - Deployer
Command Line Parameters - Inspector
Command Line Parameters - Installation
Command Line Parameters - Watcher
Comparison Operators (Operators)
Concepts - Collecting Data
Concepts - Layouts
Concepts - Overview
Concepts - Presenting Information
Configurator (Command Line Parameters)
Configurator (Program Roles)
Connection Methods (Connections)
Connection Methods (Data Acquisition)
Connections - Automatic Protocol Determination
Connections - Connection Methods
Constrain (Functions)
Context Menus (Information Display)
Conversion Functions (Functions)
Count (Functions)
Custom Filename Format Substitutions (Image Capture)


Data Acquisition - Connection Methods
Data Acquisition - System Queries
Data Collection - Excluded Instances
Data Collection - System Impact
Data Types (Expressions)
Data Value (Variables)
Date Functions (Functions)
Date Functions (Functions)
Day (Functions)
DayOfWeek (Functions)
DayOfYear (Functions)
Decision Functions (Functions)
Deployer (Command Line Parameters)
Deployer (Program Roles)
Display Updates (Information Display)
Displaying Relevant Information (Layout Design)
Drill Down (Information Display)


Elements - Chart
Elements - Event List
Elements - Gauge
Elements - Group
Elements - Image
Elements - Label
Elements - LCD Matrix
Elements - Overview
Elements - Process List
Elements - Service List
Elements - Status Indicator
Elements - Thread List
Event List (Elements)
Event List (Variables)
Event Logs (Interactive Elements)
Excluded Instances (Data Collection)
Expressions - Data Types
Expressions - Functions
Expressions - Operators
Expressions - Overview
Expressions - Overview
Expressions - Variables
Extracting Information (Information Display)


FormatDynamicInstance (Functions)
Formatting Functions (Functions)
Functions - Analysis Functions
Functions - Constrain
Functions - Conversion Functions
Functions - Count
Functions - Date Functions
Functions - Date Functions
Functions - Day
Functions - DayOfWeek
Functions - DayOfYear
Functions - Decision Functions
Functions - FormatDynamicInstance
Functions - Formatting Functions
Functions - Hour
Functions - If
Functions - Instr
Functions - Instr
Functions - IsConvertible
Functions - IsDefined
Functions - IsNull
Functions - IsType
Functions - LCase
Functions - Left
Functions - Len
Functions - Max
Functions - Mid
Functions - Min
Functions - Minute
Functions - Month
Functions - ReplaceError
Functions - Right
Functions - Second
Functions - SmartFormat
Functions - String Functions
Functions - TimeSpan
Functions - ToBoolean
Functions - ToDate
Functions - ToFloat
Functions - ToInteger
Functions - ToString
Functions - Trim
Functions - UCase
Functions - Year
Functions (Expressions)


Gateway (Program Roles)
Gauge (Elements)
Gauges (Interactive Elements)
General (Built-In Layouts)
Group (Elements)
Grouping Information (Layout Design)


Hour (Functions)
Hyper-V (Built-In Layouts)


If (Functions)
Image (Elements)
Image Capture - Custom Filename Format Substitutions
Information Display - Context Menus
Information Display - Display Updates
Information Display - Drill Down
Information Display - Extracting Information
Information Display - Keyboard Navigation
Information Display - Sizing
Inspector (Command Line Parameters)
Inspector (Program Roles)
Installation (Command Line Parameters)
Instr (Functions)
Instr (Functions)
Interactive Elements - Charts
Interactive Elements - Event Logs
Interactive Elements - Gauges
Interactive Elements - Lists
Interactive Elements - Processes
Interactive Elements - Services
IsConvertible (Functions)
IsDefined (Functions)
IsNull (Functions)
IsType (Functions)


Keyboard Navigation (Information Display)


Label (Elements)
Layout Design - Displaying Relevant Information
Layout Design - Grouping Information
Layout Design - Managing Layouts
Layout Design - Modifying Layouts
Layout Design - Navigation Within A Layout
Layout Design - Overview
Layout Design - Sizing And Positioning Elements
Layout Management - Overriding The Built-In Layouts
Layouts (Concepts)
LCase (Functions)
LCD Matrix (Elements)
Left (Functions)
Legal Information
Len (Functions)
List Count (Variables)
List Selection (Variables)
Lists (Interactive Elements)
Logical Operators (Operators)


Managing Layouts (Layout Design)
Max (Functions)
Mid (Functions)
Min (Functions)
Minute (Functions)
MMC SnapIn (Program Roles)
Modifying Layouts (Layout Design)
Month (Functions)


Navigation Within A Layout (Layout Design)


Operators - Combination Operators
Operators - Comparison Operators
Operators - Logical Operators
Operators - Unary Operators
Operators (Expressions)
Operators (Precedence)
Overriding The Built-In Layouts (Layout Management)
Overview (Built-In Layouts)
Overview (Concepts)
Overview (Elements)
Overview (Expressions)
Overview (Expressions)
Overview (Layout Design)
Overview (Technical Reference)
Overview (Usage)


Parentheses (Precedence)
Performance Item (Variables)
Precedence - Operators
Precedence - Parentheses
Presenting Information (Concepts)
Process List (Elements)
Process List (Variables)
Processes (Interactive Elements)
Program Roles - Analyser
Program Roles - Collector
Program Roles - Configurator
Program Roles - Deployer
Program Roles - Gateway
Program Roles - Inspector
Program Roles - MMC SnapIn
Program Roles - Screensaver
Program Roles - Watcher


ReplaceError (Functions)
Right (Functions)


Screensaver (Program Roles)
Second (Functions)
Series Aggregation (Variables)
Service List (Elements)
Service List (Variables)
Services (Interactive Elements)
Sizing (Information Display)
Sizing And Positioning Elements (Layout Design)
SmartFormat (Functions)
Standard (Variables)
Status Indicator (Elements)
String Functions (Functions)
System (Variables)
System Impact (Data Collection)
System Queries (Data Acquisition)
System Variables (Variables)


Technical Reference - Overview
Thread List (Elements)
Thread List (Variables)
TimeSpan (Functions)
ToBoolean (Functions)
ToDate (Functions)
ToFloat (Functions)
ToInteger (Functions)
ToString (Functions)
Trim (Functions)


UCase (Functions)
Unary Operators (Operators)
Unattended Installation - Collector
Usage - Overview


Variables - Data Value
Variables - Event List
Variables - List Count
Variables - List Selection
Variables - Performance Item
Variables - Process List
Variables - Series Aggregation
Variables - Service List
Variables - Standard
Variables - System
Variables - System Variables
Variables - Thread List
Variables (Expressions)


Watcher (Command Line Parameters)
Watcher (Program Roles)


Year (Functions)

Built-In Layouts - General

The built-in general layout can be loaded at any time by selecting it with Layout → BuiltIn → General. It covers core server information and performance metrics, together with event logs, services and processes. It is divided into nine frames, with some frames containing multiple panels. Where appropriate, it is possible to drill down from one panel to another that shows more detail. The general layout covers a broad range of system information suitable for a typical server, but can be modified if required.

Note that it is possible to override the built-in layouts that ship with the product.


The dashboard frame displays instantaneous values for processor, memory and disk activity metrics, giving a high-level overview of system activity.

For the processor, the overall CPU load is further split into user- and privileged-mode load, and also shows the highest load on a single core and the overall queue length. The single core load is useful for identifying a run-away process on a multi-processor system. For disks, the values shown are for the maximum across all physical disks, and so will include activity on disks that do not have a drive letter mapped to them. Each gauge supports drill-down to panels that give a more detailed view of each area of system activity.

The system information includes IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, but excludes any loopback or link-local addresses.

Activity Summary

The activity summary frame shows charts for key activity indicators, and can be used as a first step when diagnosing slow performance or other bottlenecks. Drill-downs from each chart show relevant information in more detail.

The Disk Activity chart is for total activity across all physical disks, and so will include activity on disks that do not have a drive letter mapped to them.


The processor frame focuses on overall processing, details for each individual core and the server work queues.

The CPU Utilisation chart on the CPUs panel shows the load on each core in the system, but is scaled by the total number of cores. Therefore, on a multi-core system, no individual processor will ever show 100% utilisation. For example, an individual core running at 100% utilisation would be displayed at 25% utilisation on a four-core system. The overall height of the combined values for all cores gives a visual indication of the total load across all cores.


The memory frame provides a summary of physical and virtual memory usage, paging and cache activity.

The limits on the summary panel are the physical memory installed in the computer and the available virtual memory. The Memory Usage chart will only show memory used by any virtual machines if a supported hypervisor is installed.

Note that the Page Faults chart on the paging panel shows total faults, both hard and soft, whereas the Paging chart on the summary panel and the Paging Activity chart on the paging panel only relate to hard faults, so a discrepancy between the values shown is to be expected. A hard page fault occurs when a referenced page is not located in physical memory and requires physical I/O to resolve. A soft page fault occurs when the page is resident elsewhere in memory, and does not result in any physical I/O.


The disk frame includes, for each disk, key data transfer and operation rates, together with a measure of overall load. Separate panels cover logical and physical disks.


The network frame shows data volumes sent and received over the network, with individual panels for IPv4 and IPv6 processing. For the Packets By Network Card chart, note that some of the available network interface instances might have been automatically excluded.

Event Logs

The event logs frame lists entries in the System, Security and Application event logs. The first three panels have filters in place to limit the events to those that typically indicate problems, and the next three include all events. See Event Logs for information on viewing the details of an individual event and on the interactive filtering that can be applied to the event lists.


The services frame lists installed services, the first panel showing all installed services and two further panels limiting the lists to active and failed services respectively. A failed service is one that is configured for automatic start-up but that is not currently running. See Services for details on the starting, stopping and restarting services.


The processes frame lists the running processes. Selecting a process from the list will populate the thread list with details of the individual threads for that process. See Processes for details on terminating processes and changing their priority.